Lily's - Kit

Enhanced human interfaces
& user experiences

Powered by dead simple CSS props and a mix of common convention rules.

anchor article button details flex grid input label list slider table textarea

Definition list native

<dl/> in web development are used to group terms and their corresponding descriptions. The <dl/> element contains pairs of <dt/> (definition term) and <dd/> (definition description) elements, making it ideal for displaying lists of terms and their definitions, such as glossaries or metadata.

Ordered list native

<ol/> in web development are used to create lists of items that are presented in a specific order. The <ol/> element contains <li/> (list item) elements, which are automatically numbered. Ordered lists are ideal for displaying steps in a process, rankings, or any content where order is significant.

Unordered list native

<ul/> in web development are used to create lists of items that do not require a specific order. The <ul/> element contains <li/> (list item) elements, which are typically rendered with bullet points. Unordered lists are ideal for presenting collections of related items where sequence is not important.