Lily's - Kit

Enhanced human interfaces
& user experiences

Powered by dead simple CSS props and a mix of common convention rules.

anchor article button details flex grid input label list slider table textarea

Button native

<button/> in web development allow users to perform actions or navigate to other pages. They come in various styles to suit different needs and are effective for prompting users to take action to progress within an interface.


— parentElement PROPS

- - outlinesets outline style-
- - fabchanges style to look like a FAB-
<button data-props="--outline">
<button data-props="--outline --fab">

— childrenElements PROPS

- - leadset’s as leading itemleft side optical corrections
- - trailset’s as trailing itemright side optical corrections
<button data-props="--outline">
  <icon data-props="--lead">
<button data-props="--outline">
  <icon data-props="--trail">